Articles with * are in English
'Preface, a new magazine'
Daan Wessing
'The role of electromyography and ultrasound in the diagnosis of periferal nerve problems'
Nens van Alfen
'Radiating complaints in the arm, what is going on?'
Ralph Haze and Guido Dolleman
'Tendon transfers in hand and wrist in peripheral nerve injuries'
Charlotte Franke and M.J.P.F. Ritt
'Dutch translation of the Patient Rated Ulnar Nerve Evaluation (PRUNE) in ulnar neuropathy'
Andrea Derks, Edith Cup and Joy MacDermid
'Alterations of criteria for CHT-NL'
Committee on Profiling and Quality Improvement
'Pronator syndrome; terra incognita?'
Linda Feitsma-Bunshoek and Esther de Koning-Klein
'The importance of functional usability of a 'dropping hand'
Yvonne Klepke
'Board Policy Dutch Society of Hand Therapy'
Karin Boer-Vreeke, president.
'Effectiveness of mechanical traction in the non-invasive treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome in comparison with usual care'
Margreet Meems, Viola Spek, Willem Kop, Berend-Jan Beems, Leo Visser and Victor Pop.
'Gemstracker EXTRAH, a web based monitoring of physical, social and emotional functioning in Patients with upper limb amputations'*
Lisette Melis-Schrijver, M.S. den Hollander-Ardon, R. van der Veen and W.G.M. Janssen.
'The Elbow'
Report on the autumn symposium of the Dutch Society of Hand Therapy
Anne Kraaijeveld
'Use of medicines. Signaling diseases and risk factors'
Hendrik van der Velde
'Book Review 'Physiotherapy and medication'
Muhammed Ali Kedilioglu.