Articles with * are in English
Daan Wessing
'The skin as an organ of perception'
Prof Astrid Kappers, Wouter Bergmann Tiest
'The skin: anatomy, wound healing and scar management' *
Dominique Baars, Prof Esther Middelkoop
'Somatosensory rehabilitation in the treatment of neuropathic pain'
Karin Boer, Peter de Groot
'Rehabilitation after hand burns'
Katinka Bastiaansen, Ellen de Boer, Paul van Zuijlen
'Blow-pipe flame injury, a case history'
Mieke Fransen
'Risks of relapse in Dupuytrens disease after needle fasci�?«ctomy'
Tanja Bakker, Anet Schilder
'Excessive scars'
Frank Niessen, Iris Westra
'Report on spring congress of the Dutch Society of Hand Therapy'
Early active Hand Therapist; Past, Present, Future
Ellen Giesen
'Brittle bones, multiple fractures', a case study
Nettie Koekebakker
'Botuline Toxine A in treatment of cold intolerance in the fingers' A pilot study
Stefanie van den Heuvel, Peter de Groot, Mikko Larsen, Prof Marco Ritt
'Scars, what can a skin therapist do about it?'
Maron Wassink
'Managing oedema and fibrosis with coordinated movement' *
Gerben Schrale, Terence Ryan
'Education in wrist arthroscopy'
Miryam Obdeijn, Thesis University of Amsterdam
'Influence of kinesio taping on pinch grip, one application and considerations on skin and propriocepsis'
Thieu Berkhout
'Get to know your collegue hand therapist'
Joline Bosmans
'Functioning and Health related quality of life of children with congenital hand differences'
Monique den Hollander-Ardon, Thesis Erasmus University, Rotterdam
'Complex Regional Pain Syndrome and repetative ganglion, a case report'
Peter Stam
'Certification', European Certified Hand Therapist (ECHT)
Annemieke Videler